About Us


(in Aramaic / Hebrew means Rock)

Kefa Technology Solution (KTS) is a business enabler that augurs and offers solutions to the business partners and potential clients to enable them realize growth and success in their endeavors. We are Software Solution , Capability and Talent Enablers. Our executive board comprise of experts who would offer creative solutions and effective services to clients achieve their business goals. 

Our Management Team

Our management team is wisely ingrained with rich experience to appreciate the needs of the clients and offer pertinent and effective solutions. Our management has multi-cultural experience as they have been delivering solutions and services to clients in USA, UK, Europe and India. Our team is involved in offering Faculty Development Program (FDP) to various educational institutions to mentor their teaching faculties to move up in their professional values and competencies. Our management team has been involved in training budding talents on Mind & Memory skills and Career building guidance to the budding Talents. Our management would be ever altruistic and inventive in its engagement processes with anyone who seeks to value-add humankind through their thoughts, actions and ventures.

Our Insights and work

We offer strategic framework for Recruitment & Employee Relation, Retention Activities by enhancing Employee Satisfaction and Resource development initiatives. We can potentially offer strategic practices that ensures strong linkage between Employee motivation & Organizational performance; sustaining the link in order to achieve the overall Goals & Objectives. We play a key driver role to the Change Management processes; can streamline the operations, build employee morale, control attrition and build committed teams. We believe in Empowering People to realize life transformations and professional transitions.

 We believe in creating trusted relationship with our partnering clients and whomever avails our solutions and services would be profited and furthered like the one who built his business on the rock, KEFA will lay a Rock strong foundation and be a perfect Enabler to brand You Grow Tall and remain Empowered forever…

Welcome to KEFA, your faithful Enabler!